Mircea Leabu

Everyone takes the limits of his own vision for the limits of the world.
Fiecare dintre noi extrapolează propriile limite către limite ale lumii.

— Arthur Schopenhauer


  1. Florea A, Niculiţe CM, Urs AO, Liehn EA, Leabu M. (2016) Staurosporine effects on fibroblasts depend on matrix proteins. 8th National Congress with International Participation and the 34th Annual Scientific Session of the Romanian Society of Cell Biology, Oradea, June 8 – 12, 2016.
  2. Curaj A, Simsekyilmaz S, Staudt M, Götzenich A, Urs A, Leabu M, Liehn EA. (2016) Non-invasive up-regulation of heart preconditioning programme in vivo with minimal side effects. German Atherosclerosis Society Annual Meeting, Giessen, April 7-9, 2016 (Germania).
  3. Niculiţe CM, Urs AO, Florea A, Nițu Preda I, Onică M, Leabu M. (2015) Inhibition of aquaporins affects keratinocyte motility. SRBC Annual Meeting, Baia Mare, June 11-14, 2015.
  4. Niculiţe CM, Ghiță A, Florea A, Nechifor MT, Leabu M. (2014) Inhibition of oxidative stress restores keratinocyte ability to migrate after UVA exposure. „A 32-a Sesiune Științifică Anuală a Societății Române de Biologie Celulară”, Târgu Mureș, 4 – 7 iunie 2014.
  5. Niculiţe CM, Urs AO, Şerbu S, Florea A, Leabu M. (2012) Various cancer cells behave differently in response to DHA treatment. „The 4th International Congress and the 30th Annual Session of RSCB”, Satu Mare – Debrecen, 13-17 June, 2012.
  6. Niculiţe CM, Urs AO, Suciu LC, Mocanu M, Olariu L, Regalia T, Nechifor MT, Leabu M. (2011) The motility of keratinocytes is affected by UVA – A comparison between normal and dysplastic cell behavior. 5th International Conference on Oxidative Stress in Skin Biology and Medicine, Andros, 1-4 September (Greece).
  7. Urs AO, Niculiţe CM, Pop S, Leabu M. (2011) Docosahexaenoic acid induced changes in morphology and biochemistry of human breast cancer cell line, MCF-7. „The 3rd International Congress and the 29th Annual Session of RSCB”, Arad – Szeged, 8 – 12 iunie, 2011.
  8. Niculiţe CM, Urs AO, Suciu LC, Mocanu M, Manda G, Dinu D, Nechifor MT, Leabu M. (2011) UVA irradiation of dysplastic keratinocytes: oxidative damage and antioxidant defence. „The 3rd International Congress and the 29th Annual Session of RSCB”, Arad – Szeged, 8 – 12 iunie, 2011.
  9. Roşu T, Pahonţu E, Ilieş DC, Ştefan-van Staden RI, Leabu M, Gulea A. (2010) Synthese, characterisation et etude de l’activite biologique de nauveaux complexes de Cu(II), Ni(II), VO(II) avec des bases Schiff derivees de l’indole-3-carboxaldehyde. 1er Colloque Fraco-Roumain de Chimie Medicale, Iaşi, 7-8 octombrie 2010.
  10. Niculiţe CM, Urs AO, Suciu LC, Mocanu M, Olariu L, Regalia TM, Nechifor MT, Leabu M. (2010) The behavior of normal versus dysplastic keratinocytes is different under UVA stress. The Annual International Conference of the Romanian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Bucharest, September 23-25th.
  11. Niculiţe CM, Urs AO, Mocanu M, Regalia TM, Nechifor MT, Leabu M. (2010) Migrarea keratinocitelor este afectată de stresul oxidativ indus de expunerea la radiaţii UVA. A 28-a Sesiune Ştiinţifică Anuală a Societăţii Române de Biologie Celulară, Constanţa, 9-12 iunie 2010.
  12. Bâlcu M-J, Pascale G, Nechifor MT, Filipescu C, Alifanti C, Leabu M. (2009) Date structurale şi biochimice privind Geranium robertianum. A XV-a Sesiune Anuală de Comunicări Ştiinţifice a Grădinii Botanice „Dimitrie Brândză”, Bucureşti, 14 noiembrie 2009.
  13. Popescu A, Mocanu M, Niculiţe C, Dinu D, Nechifor MT, Leabu M. (2009) Expunerea keratinocitelor în cultură la UVA modifică raportul dintre activitatea enzimatică şi nivelul de exprimare al catalazei. Al 6-lea Simpozion Naţional de Patologie “Patologie Celulară şi Moleculară”, Bucureşti, 3 – 5 noiembrie 2009.
  14. Urs AO, Deleanu M, Kiss C, Leabu M. (2009) Tipurile de acizi graşi din lipidele celulelor endoteliale de venă ombilicală umană se modifică pe durata dezvoltării culturii. Al 6-lea Simpozion Naţional de Patologie “Patologie Celulară şi Moleculară”, Bucureşti, 3 – 5 noiembrie 2009.
  15. Vladareanu M, Bumbea H, Radesi S, Onisai M, Nicolescu A, Dervesteanu M, Cisleanu D, Voican I, Ciufu C, Marinescu C, Vintilescu AM, Ichim A, Baluta C, Cazaceanu O, Popov V, Leabu M, Hinescu M, Savopol T, Kovacs E. (2009) Thrombocyte glycoproteins modified structure and functional status in chronic myeloproliferative disorders – a model of acquired thrombopathies. 14th Annual Meeting of the European-Hematology-Association, Berlin, June 04-07, 2009 (Germany).
  16. Urs AO, Tuchscheerer N, Kanzler I, Koenen R, Liehn EA, Weber C, Leabu M. (2009) Deficienţa de exprimare a receptorului la SDF-1a induce acumulări sporite de acizi graşi nesaturaţi în cardiomiocite. A 27-a Sesiune Ştiinţifică Anuală a Societăţii Române de Biologie Celulară, Bistriţa, 11-14 iunie 2009.
  17. Gherasim I, Filipescu C, Alifanti C, Athanasiu AA, Nechifor MT, Mocanu M, Boanta A, Leabu M. (2008) Helleborus purpurascens alcoholic extracts affect cell proliferation, and elicit changes at the epigenetic and proteomic level. 7th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millenium Agriculture”, Cluj-Napoca, October 2-4, 2008.
  18. Nechifor MT, Popescu A, Mocanu M, Leabu M. (2008) UVA radiation modulates AP-1 in cultured keratinocytes. 4th International Conference on Oxidative Stress in Skin Medicine and Biology, Andros Island, Greece, 11-14 September 2008.
  19. Cruceru L, Popa V, Curaj A, Popescu A, Leabu M. (2008) Integrin signaling modulates cell sensitivity to apoptosis. 33rd FEBS Congress – 11th IUBMB Conference “Biochemistry of Cell Regulation”, Athens, June 28 – July 3, 2008 (Greece).
  20. Nechifor MT, Filipescu C, Gherasim I, Boanta A, Leabu M. (2008) Antioxidant activity and effects on cell proliferation of (hydro)alcoholic extracts of Geranium robertianum. 33rd FEBS Congress – 11th IUBMB Conference “Biochemistry of Cell Regulation”, Athens, June 28 – July 3, 2008 (Greece).
  21. Leabu M, Mocanu M, Bumbea H, Vladareanu A-M, Hinescu ME. (2008) Altered expression of CD42 in platelets of subjects with myelodisplasia/myeloproliferative disorders. 33rd FEBS Congress – 11th IUBMB Conference “Biochemistry of Cell Regulation”, Athens, June 28 – July 3, 2008 (Greece).
  22. Nechifor MT, Popescu A, Mocanu M, Leabu M. (2008) Keratinocitele în cultură răspund la radiaţiile UVA prin modularea AP-1. A 26-a Sesiune Ştiinţifică Anuală a Societăţii Române de Biologie Celulară, Cluj-Napoca, 12-15 iunie 2008.
  23. Gherasim I, Filipescu C, Alifanti C, Athanasiu AA, Nechifor MT, Mocanu M, Boanta A, Leabu M. (2008) Cell proliferation is modulated by alcoholic extracts of Geranium robertianum and Helleborus purpurascens. The Annual International Conference of the Romanian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Bucharest, May 29-30, 2008.
  24. Cruceru L, Popa V, Curaj A, Popescu A, Leabu M. (2008) Integrins modulate cell sensitivity to apoptosis. EMBO MeetingCellular Signaling & Molecular Medicine” Cavtat, May 29 – June 4, 2008 (Croatia).
  25. Nechifor MT, Filipescu C, Gherasim I, Boanta A, Leabu M. (2008) Effects on cell proliferation and antioxidant activity of (hydro)alcoholic extracts of Geranium robertianum. EMBO MeetingCellular Signaling & Molecular Medicine” Cavtat, May 29 – June 4, 2008 (Croatia).
  26. Leabu M, Mocanu M, Bumbea H, Vladareanu A-M, Hinescu ME. (2008) Altered expression of von Willebrand factor receptor in platelets of subjects with myelodisplasia/ myeloproliferative disorders. EMBO MeetingCellular Signaling & Molecular Medicine” Cavtat, May 29 – June 4, 2008 (Croatia).
  27. Gherasim I, Filipescu C, Alifanti C, Athanasiu AA, Nechifor MT, Mocanu M, Boanta A, Leabu M. (2007) Helleborus purpurascens (hydro)alcoholic extracts inhibit proliferation of cultured cell. Victor Babes Institute Anniversary Symposium „The (Un)Predictable Future of Cellular and Molecular Medicine”, Bucharest, 31 October – 2 November, 2007.
  28. Gherasim I, Botea S, Leabu M, Udrea M. (2007) Low level laser radiation modulates cellular proliferation. Victor Babes Institute Anniversary Symposium „The (Un)Predictable Future of Cellular and Molecular Medicine”, Bucharest, 31 October – 2 November, 2007.
  29. Tanase C, Mihai M, Ardeleanu C, Raducan E, Codorean E, Nicolescu MI, Dumitrascu T, Dima SO, Leabu M, Popescu LM, Hinescu ME, Popescu I. (2007) Correlation of caveolin-1 expression and proliferation markers in human pancreatic cancer. 21st European Congress of Pathology, Istanbul, September 08-13, 2007 (Turkey).
  30. Leabu M, Cruceru L, Popa V, Curaj A, Popescu A, Radu E, Popescu LM. (2007) Cell sensitivity to apoptosis is modulated by integrins. The Romanian Society for Cell Biology at 25 Years Anniversary WorkshopFrom Basic Science to Therapeutic Applications”, Bucharest, 7-9 June, 2007.
  31. Nechifor MT, Radu E, Regalia T, Popescu A, Dinu D, Leabu M. (2007) Oxidative damages indiced by ultraviolet-A radiation in human keratinocytes. The Romanian Society for Cell Biology at 25 Years Anniversary WorkshopFrom Basic Science to Therapeutic Applications”, Bucharest, 7-9 June, 2007.
  32. Gherasim IM, Manda G, Neagu M, Botea S, Leabu M. (2007) Effects of laser radiations on human umbilical vein endothelial cells in culture. The Romanian Society for Cell Biology at 25 Years Anniversary WorkshopFrom Basic Science to Therapeutic Applications”, Bucharest, 7-9 June, 2007 (Romania).
  33. Leabu M, Mocanu M, Bumbea H, Vlădăreanu A-M, Hinescu ME. (2007) Altered expression of CD42 and aIIbb3 in platelets of subjects with myelodisplasia/ myeloproliferative disorders. The Romania Society for Cell Biology at 25 Years Anniversary WorkshopFrom Basic Science to Therapeutic Applications”, Bucharest, June 7-9, 2007.
  34. Nechifor MT, Dinu D, Regalia T, Constantin C, Neagu M, Manda G, Radu E, Leabu M. (2006) Human keratinocytes morphology and survival are affected by UVA-induced oxidative stress. 3rd International Conference on Oxidative Stress in Skin Medicine and Biology, Andros Island, Greece, 21-24 September, 2006.
  35. Uniyal S, Miura K, Leabu M, Quian J, Oravecz T, Chakrabarti S, Morris VL, Chan BMC. (2002) The chemokine receptor CXCR4 – b1 integrin axis operates in the tumorigenesis of osteosarcoma HOS cells. 42nd American Society for Cell Biology Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 14 – 18, 2002 (USA).
  36. Leabu M, Uniyal S, Morris VL, Chan BMC. (2002) Expression of a2b1 integrin inhibits EGF-induced contraction and enhances the directionality of chemotactic response of rhabdomyosarcoma RD cells. 16th Spring Meeting of the Canadian Society of Immunology, Blue Mountain Resort, Collingwood, Ontario, April 5 – 8, 2002, p.124a (Canada).
  37. Vidulescu C, Leabu M, Popescu LM. (1999) Supporting role of phospholipase A2 in spontaneous and noradrenaline-induced contractions of portal vein smooth muscle. International Conference on Phospholipase A2, Berlin, May 26 – 29, 1999 (Germany).
  38. Petraşincu D, Leabu M. (1998) Obţinerea unor fracţiuni peptidice biologic active din omogenat embrionar aviar şi testarea efectului lor asupra creşterii şi viabilităţii celulelor cultivate in vitro. Sesiunea Ştiinţifică Anuală a Institutului „I. Cantacuzino”, Bucureşti, 19 – 20 noiembrie 1998.
  39. Chirita AI, Gatina R, Burtea C, Mardare M, Botea S, Iosef C, Tigaret C, Leabu M, Stanciu S, Bajenaru O, Dumitru C, Popescu LM. (1998) A model of evaluation of the changes in erythtocyte membrane in patients with brain stroke during treatment. National Congress of Radiology and Medical Imaginstics, Cluj-Napoca, October 8 – 10, 1998 (Romania).
  40. Vidulescu C, Leabu M, Popescu LM. (1998) Studiul fosfolipazelor – prin metode de imunofarmacologie celulară – în contracţia muşchiului neted vascular. Bul Soc Naţ Biol Cel. 26, p.134, 1998.
  41. Vidulescu C, Leabu M, Ţigaret CM, Popescu LM. (1997) Basal and stimulated activity of phospholipases A2, C, and D is involved in portal in portal vein smooth muscle contraction. Membrane Transport Processes and Signal Transduction, Bucharest, August 24 – 31, 1997.
  42. Bucur EA, Dascălu AM, Şerboiu C, Leabu M. (1997) Activitatea lactat dehidrogenazei este crescută în fracţiunea citosolică obţinută din miocardul ischemiat şi reperfuzat. Bul Soc Naţ Biol Cel. 25, p.66, 1997.
  43. Cialâcu V, Vidulescu C, Ţigaret CM, Leabu M, Mihăilescu D, Popescu M, Trifan OC, Popescu LM. (1995) Les anticorps antiphospholipases: des immunosondes utilisées dans l’étude de la signalization transmembranaire. Colocviul „Louis Pasteur” Ştiinţa în Serviciul Omului, Bucureşti, 4 – 6 octombrie 1995.
  44. Nedea EC, Leabu M. (1995) Albumina serică are acţiune similară unui „chaperone” în timpul stress-ului termic. Bul Soc Naţ Biol Cel. 23, p.97, 1995.
  45. Leabu M, Muşat S, Trifan OC, Popescu LM. (1995) Efectul protector al deschizătorilor de canale de potasiu asupra miocardului în ischemie şi reperfuzie, măsurat prin nivelul compuşilor cu reacţie peroxidazică în efluent. Bul Soc Naţ Biol Cel. 23, p.93, 1995.
  46. Cialâcu V, Ţigaret CM, Ursaciuc C, Savi I, Savi G, Gagheş M, Antohi M, Mihăilescu D, Leabu M, Popescu LM. (1994) Producerea şi caracterizarea anticorpilor monoclonali anti-IgG, anti-IgM şi anti-fosfolipază D. Al II-lea Simpozion Internaţional „Biotehnologiile Azi şi Mâine”, Bucureşti, 29 – 30 septembrie 1994.
  47. Nedea EC, Leabu M. (1994) Serum albumin protects the biological activity of enzymes during heat stress. IVth European Congress of Cell Biology, Prague, June 26 – July 1, 1994.
  48. Trifan OC, Muşat S, Leabu M, Popescu AC, Cialâcu V, Ţigaret CM, Popescu M, Popescu LM. (1994) ATP-Sensitive potassium channel openers enhance myocardium survival to ischemia reperfusion injury. IVth European Congress of Cell Biology, Prague, June 26 – July 1, 1994.
  49. Leabu M. (1994) Studiul glicoconjugatelor suprafeţei celulelor endoteliale ale valvei mitrale la iepure normal şi hipecolesterolemic. Al XXV-lea Simpozion de Morfologie Normală şi Patologică, Oradea, 1 – 2 iulie 1994.
  50. Vidulescu C, Trifan OC, Leabu M. (1994) Fosfolipaza D – o componentă a mecanismului contracţiilor miogenice ritmice în muşchiul neted uterin şi vascular. Al XXV-lea Simpozion de Morfologie Normală şi Patologică, Oradea, 1 – 2 iulie 1994.
  51. Nedea EC, Popa M, Leabu M. (1993) Interacţiunea albuminii serice bovine supuse stress-ului termic cu un „chaperone”. Bul Soc Naţ Biol Cel. 21, p.99, 1993.
  52. Popescu LM, Muşat S, Trifan OC, Leabu M, Ţigaret CM, Popescu M, Popescu AC, Hinescu ME, Moraru II, Das DK. (1993) Cardioprotective effects of K+-channel openers in ischemia/reperfusion injury. Cellular, Biochemical, and Molecular Aspects of Reperfusion Injury, New York, July 11 – 14, 1993.
  53. Popescu LM, Muşat S, Trifan OC, Popescu M, Leabu M, Popescu AC, Hinescu ME. (1992) K+-Channel Openers Protect the Myocardium against Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury. IXth International Congress of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry, Maastricht, Netherlands, August 30 – September 5, 1992.
  54. Muşat S, Trifan OC, Popescu AC, Leabu M. (1992) Nicorandilul reduce leziunile miocardului induse de ischemie-reperfuzie. Al XXIII-lea Simpozion de Morfologie Normală şi Patologică, Tg. Mureş 16 – 17 iulie 1992.
  55. Leabu M, Trifan O, Muşat S. (1992) Noi parametri biochimici pentru studiul efectelor ischemiei asupra miocardului. Al XXIII-lea Simpozion de Morfologie Normală şi Patologică, Tg. Mureş 16 – 17 iulie 1992.
  56. Filip DA, Leabu M. (1991) Fuziunea in vitro a lipoproteinelor de joasă densitate ca modelare a formării materialului lipidic extracelular din leziunile valvelor sigmoide aortice de hamster în stadiul iniţial al dietei aterogene. Bul Soc Naţ Biol Cel. 19, p.42, 1991.
  57. Popescu G, Leabu M, Ghinea N, Iftode C, Alexandru D. (1990) Utilizarea cromatografiei prin interacţiune hidrofobă în studiul albuminii şi al proteinelor care leagă albumina. Bul Soc Naţ Biol Cel. 18, p.27, 1990.
  58. Leabu M, Moroianu J, Jinga VV. (1988) Identificarea şi caracterizarea parţială a glicoproteinelor celulei endoteliale după electroforeză şi transfer pe nitroceluloză. Bul Soc Naţ Biol Cel. 15, p.53, 1988.
  59. Moroianu J, Leabu M, Simionescu N, Simionescu M. (1988) Studiul receptorilor celulari prin tratamente chimice aplicate proteinelor transferate electroforetic pe membrane de nitroceluloză. Bul Soc Naţ Biol Cel. 15, p.49, 1988.
  60. Moroianu J, Leabu M. (1987) Surface glycoconjugates of blood cells in normal and hypercholesterolemic rabbit. XIth European Congress of Pathology, Prague, September 6 – 11, 1987.
  61. Moroianu J, Leabu M. (1987) Influenţa glicoproteinei trasor asupra detectării glicoconjugatelor prin citochimie ultrastructurală cu lectine. Bul Soc Naţ Biol Cel. 12, p.75, 1987.
  62. Leabu M, Moroianu J. (1987) Studiul biochimic al glicoconjugatelor membranare. Bul Soc Naţ Biol Cel. 12, p.35, 1987.
  63. Colceag J, Leabu M, Simionescu N. (1986) Modificări induse de hipercolesterolemia experimentală în glicoconjugatele suprafeţei celulelor sanguine la iepure. Bul Soc Naţ Biol Cel. 9, p.70, 1986.
  64. Leabu M, Colceag J, Simionescu N. (1986) Glicoconjugatele suprafeţei luminle a celulei endoteliale. Studiu comparativ pe aortă, artere coronare şi vena cavă, la iepure. Bul Soc Naţ Biol Cel. 9, p.69, 1986.
  65. Mureşan V, Leabu M, Simionescu N. (1985) Asymmetric distribution of some glycoconjugates on the endothelial surface of cardiac valves. A study in normal and hyperlipidemic rabbits. Cellular and Molecular Events in Atherogenesis (Forth US-Romanian Workshop on Biomedical Research, Bucharest, May 13 – 16, 1985), p.46.
  66. Leabu M, Mureşan V, Simionescu N. (1985) Modification of some aortic endothelial surface glycoconjugates induced in rabbit bz hypercholesterolemic diet. Cellular and Molecular Events in Atherogenesis (Forth US-Romanian Workshop on Biomedical Research, Bucharest, May 13 – 16, 1985), p.33.
  67. Ghinea N, Leabu M, Mureşan V. (1985) Changes in surface charge and biochemistry of endothelial cell coat of aorta, coronary arteries, and mitral valve in hypercholesterolemic rabbit. Cellular and Molecular Events in Atherogenesis (Forth US-Romanian Workshop on Biomedical Research, Bucharest, May 13 – 16, 1985), p.18.
  68. Leabu M. (1984) Studiul comportării albuminii serice bovine lactozaminate faţă de celulele din ficat. Bul Soc Naţ Biol Cel. 3, 26, 1984.
  69. Leabu M. (1983) Încercări de evidenţiere a prezenţei unor proteine care leagă zaharuri în membrana plachetelor sanguine umane. Prima Sesiune Anuală a Societăţii Naţionale de Biologie Celulară, Bucureşti, 16 septembrie 1983.
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