An experiment is a question which science poses to Nature, and a measurement is the recording of Nature`s answer Un experiment este o întrebare pe care știința o adresează Naturii, iar o măsurătoare este înregistrarea răspunsului Naturii — Max Planck
Codrici E, Mihai S, Popescu ID, Enciu A-M, Albulescu L, Albulescu R,Leabu M, Buțu A, Tănase C. (2018) Green synthesis of nanoparticles and their biomedical applications; proteomic analysis. The 11th National Pathology Symposium, București, 22-44 noiembrie 2018.
Florea A, NiculiteC-M, Urs A-O, Liehn E A,Leabu M. (2017) Extracellular Matrix Proteins Influence the Connective Tissue Cells Activity in a Mimetic Model for Post-Myocardial Infarction Regeneration. The 10th National Pathology Symposium, Bucharest, 23-25 November, 2017.
Onica M, Niculite C-M, Urs A-O,Leabu M. (2017) Aquaporin Activity Modulation and Cell Migration. The 10th National Pathology Symposium, Bucharest, 23-25 November, 2017.
Leabu M. (2017) Teaching cell biology. The expectations of medical students. 9th National Congress with International Participation and the 35h Annual Scientific Session of the Romanian Society of Cell Biology, Iași, 7-11 June 2017.
Florea A, Niculițe C-M, Urs AO, Liehn EA, Leabu M. (2017) Crosstalk between connective tissue cells and extracellular matrix proteins in post-ischemic myocardial regeneration. 9th National Congress with International Participation and the 35h Annual Scientific Session of the Romanian Society of Cell Biology, Iași, 7-11 June 2017.
Leabu M. (2016) Half a century for jumping to live cell studies at nanolevel resolution. 5th International Conference on Advancements of Medicine and Health Care through Technology, Cluj-Napoca, 12-15 October, 2016.
Niculiţe CM, Urs AO, Fertig E, Florescu C, Gherghiceanu M,Leabu M. (2016) Cellular nanostructures and their investigation. History and perspectives. 5th International Conference on Advancements of Medicine and Health Care through Technology, Cluj-Napoca, 12-15 October, 2016.
Leabu M. (2016) The balance between known and unknown in cell biology teaching. 8th National Congress with International Participation and the 34th Annual Scientific Session of the Romanian Society of Cell Biology, Oradea, June 8 – 12, 2016.
Niculiţe CM, Urs AO, Onică M,Leabu M. (2015) Inhibarea aquaporinelor modulează motilitatea keratinocitelor (in Romanian). Sesiunea Anuală a Institutului “Victor Babeş”, al 8-lea Simpozion Naţional de Patologie: „Medicina de Precizie – de la Modele Experimentale la Biomarkeri”, Bucharest, November 19-21, 2015.
Leabu M. (2015) Teaching cell biology. Fhe formative significance of terms and concepts definition. SRBC Annual Meeting, Baia Mare, June 11-14, 2015.
Leabu M. (2015) The significance of teaching about cellular nanostructures. Two cases in focus: proteasome and porosome. “Frontiers in Nano Cell Biology”, Târgu Mureș, 5 May, 2015.
Leabu M. (2014) The study of alive cells is still a challenge for both biomedical researchers and engineers. „The 4th International Conference on Advancements of Medicine and Health Care through Technology”, Cluj-Napoca, 5 – 7 June, 2014.
Leabu M. (2012) Time-lapse cell monitoring in drug activity assessment. „2ème Colloque Franco-Roumain de Chimie Médicinale”, Iaşi, 3-5 October, 2012.
Niculiţe CM, Leabu M. (2011) Timelapse monitoring of cell behavior as a tool in tissue engineering. „The International Conference on Advancements of Medicine and Health Care through Technology”, Cluj-Napoca, 29 August – 2 September, 2011.
Leabu M, Niculiţe CM. (2011) Cell behavior investigated in real time by cell layer impedance measurement. „The 3rd International Congress and the 29th Annual Session of RSCB”, Arad – Szeged, 8 – 12 June, 2011.
Leabu M, Niculiţe CM, Mocanu M, Suciu LC. (2010) Comportamentul celular urmărit, în timp real, prin videomicroscopie şi măsurători de impedanţă. Noi abordări în sprijinul biologiei celulare. Al 7-lea Simpozion Naţional de Patologie „Medicina personalizată”, Bucharest, 9-12 November, 2010.
Leabu M. (2010) Videomicroscopia în timp real. Comportamentul celular văzut într-o nouă lumină. A 28-a Sesiune Ştiinţifică Anuală a Societăţii Române de Biologie Celulară, 9-12 June, 2010, Constanţa.
Leabu M. (2006) Integrins and growth factor receptors cross-talk in controlling and modulation of cell morphology. Al 2-lea Congres Internaţional de Biologie Celulară şi Moleculară (A XXIV-a Sesiune Anuală a Societăţii Naţionale de Biologie Celulară), Iaşi, 7 – 10 June 2006.
Leabu M. (2006) Integrinele ca imunofenomenine. Al II-lea Simpozion Acad. Nicolae Cajal „Actualităţi în Virusologie şi Imunologie Medicală”, Bucharest, 29 – 30 March, 2006.
Leabu M. (2005) Integrins cross-talk with growth factor receptors to control and modulate cell morphology. Al 36-lea Simpozion de Morfologie Normală şi Patologică, Bucharest, 26 – 28 October, 2005.
Leabu M, Muşat S, Trifan OC. (1994) Peroxidatic activity released in heart effluent as a biochemicat parameter in the study of ischemia reperfision injury. IVth European Congress of Cell Biology, Prague, June 26 – July 1, 1994.
Filip DA, Leabu M. (1991) Analiza biochimică a extractelor tisulare normale şi patologice; informaţii obţinute din studiul leziunilor ateroschlerotice. Bul Soc Naţ Biol Cel. 19, p.24, 1991.
Filip DA, Leabu M, Popescu G.(1989) Studies of the extracellular liposomes developed in the prelesional stage of atherogenesis in the aortic valve of the hyperlipidemic hamster. Pathobichemistry of the vessel Wall. Biochemistry of Plasma-Endothelial Interface (Fifth US-Romanian Workshop on the Biomedical Research, Bucharest – Poiana Braşov, August 29 – September 3, 1989).
Leabu M, Popescu G. (1989) Folosirea cromatografiei în fază lichidă rapidă şi de înaltă performanţă în studiul compuşilor de interes biologic. Bul Soc Naţ Biol Cel. 17, p.34.
Leabu M, Moroianu J.(1988) Metode biochimice utilizate în studiul glicoproteinelor membranare. A V-a Conferinţă de Biochimie „Cercetări fundamentale şi aplicative”, Academia României, Bucharest 28-29 October 1988.
Moroianu J, Leabu M.(1987) Modificări ale glicoconjugatelor suprafeţei celulelor sanguine la iepurele hipercolesterolemic. Simpozionul „Lectine. Aspecte fundamentale şi aplicative” Academia României, Bharest, 21 November 1987.
Leabu M.(1987) Folosirea lectinelor pentru studiul citochimic al glicoconjugatelor suprafeţei celulare. Simpozionul „Lectine. Aspecte fundamentale şi aplicative” Academia României, Bucharest, 21 November 1987.
Leabu M, Moroianu J, Simionescu N.(1987) Changes induced by hypercholesterolemia on some glycoconjugates of the aortic endothelial cell surface in rabbits. XIth European Congress of Pathology, Prague, 6 – 11 September, 1987.