Mircea Leabu

Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.
Toţi suntem genii. Dar dacă judeci un peşte după abilitatea sa de a se căţăra în copac, el va trăi toată viaţa cu impresia că e un prost.

— Albert Einstein


International Workshop on Research Ethics: ‘Teaching Research Ethics’
Sapporo, November 7th, 2015

The 8th International Conference on Ethics in Biology, Engineering and Medicine
Brooklyn, April 24-26, 2015

BIOEthics II Session

The 9th International Conference on Applied Ethics: ‘Security, Sustainability and Human Flourishing’
Sapporo, October 31 – November 2, 2014

Session 3rd: Bioethics 2 (room: W205)


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